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Yarrah for dogs

Yarrah for dogs

Yarrah is a Dutch Company, founded in 1992. Back then, organic pet food was not produced yet, so Yarrah was the first company to start producing organic dog –and later on- cat food. Since 1992, Yarrah has grown to become the market leader in Europe in the organic dog and cat food sector. As one of the few players in this industry, we offer a broad assortment of both wet and dry organic food products for dogs and cats. To be sure all the ingredients are 100% organic, Yarrah buys all the ingredients themselves. To give this 100% guarantee the Quality manager of Yarrah visits the producers personally; the larger ones at least once a year, the smaller once at least every other year.


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  • Published by Tonia on 24/01/2018

    I was so excited when I found this vegan wet food in the Veganz grocery store in Berlin in 2017. I brought a few containers home with me and my dog loved it. I have been unable to find it in the U.S. so was really excited to find this website. It is so delicious even my cats love it!

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